
Ajo Sacha (Mansoa Alliacea) 30X Extract Paste Peruvian Amazon

$ 15.00$ 299.00

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Strongest 30X Extract Paste Ajo Sacha (Mansoa alliacea) Freshly harvested Peruvian Amazon

This extract was traditionally made with only Fresh Wild Crafted Ajo Sacha vine and water nothing else.

30 grams of vine became 1 gram of this Beautiful and Potent Extract

This product has NOT been treated with any type of pesticide, herbicide, or any other harmful chemicals

Ajo sacha is a tropical shrub in the Amazon. It can be described as a bush or a vine. It has a long tradition of ancestral use. The Amazonian natives use their macerated leaves in brandy to calm various pains. It is cataloged under two main Latin names, Mansoa alliacea and Pseudocalyma alliaceum. It has a smell similar to garlic, this plant is taken by the jungle people who use its leaves even as a condiment.

Semitrepable shrub 3 m tall or more, smell of garlic. Leaves with tendril. Fruit linear capsule with a smooth surface. Seeds with two membranous wings. In this plant grows auxiliary clusters that are considered inflorescences with a length between 13 and 15 cm in addition to flowers of violet color. The fruit is a lignified oblong capsule, strongly angular, with a smooth surface.

Its habitat is in tropical zones, temperature between 20 to 26 ° C. Sandy or clayey soil with abundant organic matter. Additionally, it is important to know that they are not resistant to flooding. The plantation must coincide with the beginning of the rainy season, that is, in the months of November and December in the Amazon.

In Peru it is distributed in the departments of Amazonas, Ucayali, Loreto and San Martín


Our products are not certified by the FDA neither Health Canada for human or animal consumption. They are sold for incense and soap making purposes, decorative purposes and/or legitimate ethnobotanical research. Our products are not sold and intended for human or animal consumption. The information given about the plants is for academic purposes only and not intended to be used medically. MatsesHerbs, its suppliers, agents, employees and distributors cannot be held accountable for any misuse of the products offered.



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