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  • Sale!

    100g Mapacho tobacco Chopped or crushed (Nicotiana Rustica)

    Original price was: $ 50.00.Current price is: $ 35.00.

    100 grams Mapacho tobacco Chopped or crushed Nicotiana rustica It is used intensely by indigenous groups, they consider it as the shamanic intoxication par excellence. This type of tobacco is one of the strongest in the world, since its alkaloid content is significantly higher than that (Nicotiana tabacum) that was used exclusively for its entheogenic…

  • Sale!

    150g Mapacho tobacco Chopped or crushed Nicotiana Rustica

    Original price was: $ 50.00.Current price is: $ 45.00.

    150 grams Mapacho tobacco Chopped or crushed (Nicotiana Rustica) It is used intensely by indigenous groups, they consider it as the shamanic intoxication par excellence. This type of tobacco is one of the strongest in the world, since its alkaloid content is significantly higher than that (Nicotiana tabacum) that was used exclusively for its entheogenic…