
Rapé Mulateiro | Straight from the Forest

$ 15.00$ 280.00

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Rapé Mulateiro | Straight from the Forest

Rapé Mulateiro activates kundalin and fertility, increasing luminosity, vigor and joy of life. It is made with specific ingredients from the Amazon region, including the bark of the plant known as Mulateiro (Calycophyllum spruceanum). This plant is native to the Amazon region and has been traditionally used by some indigenous communities for its medicinal properties.

Used by Indians to heal the spirit and before going to bed.

Here are some of its properties:

Purification and cleansing: Rapé Mulateiro is often used in ritual and purification ceremonies. Helps clean negative energies and promote spiritual and emotional balance.

Connection with nature: Some people who use Mulateiro Amazonian rapé do so with the intention of connecting with nature and the spirits of the Amazon jungle. It is considered a tool to facilitate this connection and gain deeper perspectives on life and the universe.

Emotional and spiritual support: Rapé has emotional and spiritual effects, providing a sense of mental clarity, calm and well-being. Some people use it as a tool for introspection and personal growth.

Healing properties: Mulateiro bark has been used in traditional Amazonian medicine for its healing properties. It has anti-inflammatory and healing effects, and has been used to treat various skin conditions and gastrointestinal problems.


This natural product is delivered with no expressed or implied fitness for any specific purpose. It is simply a raw botanical specimen. The product is packaged as botanical specimen and is not intended, branded, labelled, or marketed as a consumer product.


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